Science Journal of VolSU. Global Economic System. 2014. №4 (27)
Title: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. GlobalEconomicSystem. 2014. No.4 (27) [Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 3. Экономика. Экология. 2014. № 4 (27)]
Number: 4 (27). Date: October, 2014
Pages: 174. Articles: 17. Total circulation: 500
- Pozhilova I.V. Contemporary Aspects of the Optimization of Regional Housing Policy
- Buyanova M.E., Myagkova K.Yu. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Assessment of Foreign Economic Security in the Region (on the Example of Volgograd Region)
- Kataev E.N., Pogodina E.A. Economic and Social Differences in the Regions of Northwest Federal District: Analysis, Assessment, Solutions
- Orlyanskaya A.A., Stupnikova O.E., Khubulova V.V. Directions of Modernization of the System of State and Municipal Management in the Regions of the North Caucasus Federal District
- Kryukova E.V. Evaluating the Efficiency of Zones With Special Economic Status in Russian Regions
- Korneev D.G. Social and Economic Prerequisites of the Development of the Regions With Different Shares of Fuel and Energy Complex
- Kachalov R.M., Sleptsova Yu.A. Dynamics of Risk in the Processes of Innovative Development of Enterprises
- Karagezyan U.V. The Public Policy of Restricting Non-Competitive Behaviour of Firms in Russia
- Bogachkova L.Yu., Kareva A.S. Tools of Quantitative Analysis of Efficiency of Modern Russian Electric Power Industry: Working out and Applications
- Egorov V.V. The Conciliation of Interests Under Certainty Through Clustering the Socio-Economic Positions
- Tolstel M.S. Improving Financial TNC’s Risk Management Under Sectoral Sanctions
- Perekrestova L.V., Irizepova M.Sh. Regional Tax Regulation of Small and Medium Business Development
- Gorshkova N.V., Mytareva L.A. Personal Accounting of a Family as a Factor of Raising Financial Literacy of Russians
- Melikhov V.A. Recommendations on the Organization of Coherent Integrated Accounting and Reporting at Agro-Industrial Holdings