Skiter N.N., Rogachev A.F., Pleshchenko T.V., Mironenko T.N. Hierarchical Analysis and Modeling of Regional Eco-Economic Security in the Conditions of Transboundary Pollution
Skiter Natalya Nikolaevna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Department of Insurance, Financial and Economic Analysis,
Volgograd State Agrarian University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 26, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Rogachev Aleksey Fruminovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Head of Department of Mathematical Modelling and Informatics,
Volgograd State Agrarian University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 26, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Pleshchenko Tatyana Vitalyevna
Head of Laboratory of the Department of Mathematical Modelling and Informatics,
Volgograd State Agrarian University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 26, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Mironenko Taisiya Nikolaevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems in Economics,
Volgograd State Technical University
Prosp. Lenina, 28, 400005, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. The paper analyzes a number of indicators characterizing the ecological and economic conditions of the region. It is established that the environment has moved from the category of exogenous parameters for the economic system in the category of domestic economic performance, that, first of all, changes the structure and nature of the methods of analysis and evaluation of the impact of pollution on the environment. The method of hierarchical analysis, allows you to organize the elements of ecological and economic security of the region. To assess the quality of environmental and economic security of the region, the hierarchy is provided for revealing the criteria of the upper and lower levels. It is substantiated that the economic foundation of regional ecological and economic interests is the ownership of natural resources and the ecological basis – the integrity of the ecosystems of the region. It is proved that the formation and perfection of a security mechanism must be based on the harmonization of ecological and economic interests and the resolution of conflicts between them. The authors propose the original software to support the security settings of ecological and economic systems. The structure and parameters of the developed system, allow for a convolution of the group of economic and environmental factors that influence the quality of management decisions. The authors construct a hierarchical model that allows the decision maker to form a system of ranked indicators determining the level of environmental safety of regional ecological and economic systems, and provides a reasonable selection of design alternatives.
Key words: hierarchical analysis, modeling, parameters, regional system, economic and environmental groups of factors, ecological and economic security.
Hierarchical Analysis and Modeling of Regional Eco-Economic Security in the Conditions of Transboundary Pollution by Skiter N.N., Rogachev A.F., Pleshchenko T.V., Mironenko T.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.