Korneev D.G. Social and Economic Prerequisites of the Development of the Regions With Different Shares of Fuel and Energy Complex


Korneev Dmitriy Gennadyevich
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article offers grouping of regions according to the share of fuel and energy complex in the total volume of production of goods and services: 1) FEC dominates; 2) FEC has a considerable potential for ensuring the regional consumption; 3) FEC does not possess a resource base. Every group encompasses several regions corresponding to the criteria. The comparative analysis of regions was carried out on the basis of social and economic indices: the volume of delivered goods according to the classification of types of economic activity; structure of the volume of delivered goods (works and services) according to the type of economic activity “Extraction of Minerals”, “Production and Distribution of Energy, Gas and Water”; production growth rates in general and in certain types of economic activity; indices of the industrial production and physical volume of investments into fixed capital; consumer demand; state of the regional budget. As a result, the author makes conclusion that the presence of extracting industries of the fuel and energy complex in the regional structure of the economy does not influence directly its social and economic state which in many aspects depends on managerial decisions of regional authorities and the state policy that is being realized.

Key words: regional economy, fuel and energy complex (FEC), social and economic development of regions, impact of FEC on regional economy, grouping of regions according to the share of FEC.

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Social and Economic Prerequisites of the Development of the Regions With Different Shares of Fuel and Energy Complex by Korneev D.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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