Fedorov E.A. Modern Approaches to Classification and Modeling of Economic Behavior


Fedorov Egor Andreevich
Assistant, Department of Economics and Management,
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
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Trubetskaya St., 8-2, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. Traditionally, the economic behavior of households is viewed through the prism of productive use-savings and investment functions of households. The article explainsthe concept of economic behavior from the perspective of different scientific approaches. The systematic classification of modern forms and types of economic behavior in the overall economic characteristics (type of business entity, the phase of social reproduction, the view of the market) is provided by the author. The most common models of economic behavior of households, depending on the motives and attitudes, the degree of independence in decisionmaking and frequency of use, are also analyzed. The special attention is paid to the analysis of economic behavior from the viewpoint of the dominant motives – purposeful-rational, valuerational, traditional and affective. It is shown that the choice of a particular model of economic behavior is influenced by both the household rationally assessed endogenous and exogenous factors, as well as social and psychological factors. The systematization of forms, types and models of economic behavior opens up opportunities of their management, improves the reliability of predictive modeling and creates conditions for the displacement of inefficient models and dissemination of “best practices”. At this, the government gets the opportunity to influence the parameters of households and options market.

Key words: economic behavior of households, rational behavior, network behavior, traditional behavior, affective behavior.

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Modern Approaches to Classification and Modeling of Economic Behavior by Fedorov E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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