Ekaterina G. Bodrova
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, International Institute of Design and Service, Voroshilova St., 12, 454014 Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
Abstract. The research aim is to highlight some of the problems of the development of dairy industry in Russian Federation. The paper highlights the main of the state target subprogram “Development of milk production and dairy products for 2015-2020”, according to which the necessary is more dynamic development of dairy products that meets the population’s needs. The research is focused in the characteristic of distribution of milk consumption in Russian Federation by regions. So it is established that only 6 regions of the country had the level of actual consumption of milk and dairy products as close as possible to the recommendations on rational norms of consumption of food products. The paper highlights the main points that led to the fact that the dairy industry of the Russian Federation is in a difficult situation. The scheme of distribution of the main problems of dairy industry on levels is made: level of the state, level of the enterprise and level of the consumer; also some problems of milk production are given. During the scheme, one of the main and important points is formulated: low investment attractiveness of dairy production. The situation that the structure of milk production by categories of farms has considerably changed. In conclusion, the article presents the main state support, as a result it will be possible to increase production in the dairy segment in order to meet the population’s needs with domestic food products, and industry – raw materials. Results: the allocation of subsidies; reduction of administrative burden; dissemination of opinions about the usefulness and necessity of milk.
Key words: milk, dairy industry, milk production, dairy milk processing plant, problems, state support.

SOME PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF DAIRY INDUSTRY IN RUSSIAN FEDERATION by Bodrova E.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.