Piontkevich N.S. Management of Enterprise Profit: Theory and Methodology

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.4.22

Nadezhda Sergeevna Piontkevich
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Financial Management,
Ural State Economic University
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8 Marta / Narodnoy voli St., 62/45, 620144 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. Effective management of financial activity of commercial organization promotes achievement of the main objective of its activity – receiving profit. Both external and internal factors causing specifics of financial management of organization in the field of management of profit have impact on this process. In modern conditions of economic development this problem gains the greatest relevance, and new approaches for its decision are required. In the present article the author’s theoretical and methodological approach to profit management of organization is offered: its application is connected with revision of acting control system of enterprise profit on the basis of assessing the initial condition of profit, planning the demanded profit level, periodical monitoring condition of planned values on profit, and also adoption of flexible administrative decisions on reduction of deviations and increasing the efficiency of organization activity. The system of profit formation including corresponding income and expenses of organization is presented. Methods of revenue planning are characterized. The characteristics of income and expenses connected with non-operating operations and transactions is given. The essence of the main directions of using enterprise profit is revealed. Need of application of author’s technique of management of profit of organization taking into account influence of external and internal factors is proved. The universal purpose of management of profit of organization and a task providing achievement of the goal are formulated . Tools of assessment efficiency of the system of formation and use of profit which is actually created in organization are offered. The methodical approach to planning of profit allowing to increase efficiency of activity of organization is presented. The mechanism of an assessment deviations of planned indicators of effective management of profit from actual and adoptions of correcting decisions on management of profit is given. Recommendations about improvement of condition of profit of organization are developed.

Key words: profit of organization, income from realization, non-operating incomes, nonoperating expenses, expenses connected with production and realization, non-operating expenses, fund of accumulation, fund of consumption, reserve fund, profit management of organization.

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