Piskun E.I., Kudrevich V.V. The Mechanism of Forming the Strategy of Balanced Regional Development

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.4.7

Elena Ivanovna Piskun
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Рrofessor, Department of Finance and Credit,
Sevastopol State University
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Universitetskya St., 33, 299053 Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Viktoriya Vadimovna Kudrevich
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Finance and Credit,
Sevastopol State University
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Universitetskya St., 33, 299053 Sevastopol, Russian Federation

Abstract. It is noted that in today’s economy there are disparities in the development of regional systems that are characterized by significant global and local imbalances. The actual economic task for providing well-balanced social and economical development of regions is the elaboration of formatting mechanisms, instruments and levers of the proper strategy. There are some controversial opinions about the definition of the notion “region”, but they are mixed, so the author’s definition is given, taking into account the existing administrativeterritorial structure of the Russian Federation in any region refering to regions, republics, Autonomous oblasts and districts, cities of Federal designation. The region is a territory within the administrative borders of the subject of Federation, characterized by the following fundamental characteristics: complexity, integrity, specialization and manageability. In modern conditions the region should also be considered as a multiple system with complex causeeffect relationships within the system and outside it. With the use of systemic and cybernetic approach the authors develop and suggest the enlarged scheme of formation of the strategy of balanced development of a region, which allows estimating the level of threats of disbalance appearance. It can also define the region’s vital functions which are the resources of formation of disbalances, determine the possible instruments and levers of providing the balanced development, forms strategic alternatives and scenarios of balanced social and economic development of regions.

Key words: region, social and economical development, strategy, balanced development, strategy, mechanism, process approach, systemic and cybernetic approach.

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The Mechanism of Forming the Strategy of Balanced Regional Development by Piskun E.I., Kudrevich V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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