Sterkhov A.P. Problems of Ensuring Complex Business Security in the Conditions of Modern Globalization


Anatoliy Petrovich Sterkhov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor,
Department of Economic Theory and Finance,
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
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Lermontova St., 83, 664074 Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. From the viewpoint of ensuring complex business security, the relevance of the present work is associated with the rationale of multilevel hierarchical approach to the classification of security threats in the age of globalization. The specificity of the threats specific to one or another level of the economy, helps to better understand and consequently to build an effective system of ensuring complex business security. For each of the nine hierarchical levels of the economy the author identifies the main threats to the business, as well as the objects and subjects of this study. It is noted that the performance of the business in the form of a complex hierarchical system depends on the principle of specification. The author gives examples of the use of the basic principles of specification. It is noted that the decomposition of the economic system from the viewpoint of its hierarchical nature is of great importance not only to the distribution of the goals and objectives of security of business levels of the system, but their subordination corresponding to each level. The result is the development of specific recommendations and elaboration of the main directions to ensure complex business security for mega-, macro-, micro-, mini-, nano - and mesoeconomic levels. Although the priority of action in multi-level hierarchical system is directed from the upper to the lower levels, the success of the system as a whole depends on the behavior of all system components. It is stated that the interaction with the environment in business occurs mainly in the lower levels of the hierarchy. The quality system of ensuring complex business security which deals with hierarchical positions, will depend not so much on top-level elements, but on response to intervention on the part of lower level, more precisely from their total effect. In other words, the quality of the system of integrated safety management business provides organized feedbacks in the system.
Key words: integrated security of business, business sustainability, levels of the economy, financial and economic monitoring, security system, globalization.

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Problems of Ensuring Complex Business Security in the Conditions of Modern Globalization by Sterkhov A.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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