Kishkan E.R. Problems and Prospects of Kyoto Protocol Prolongation Till 2020 on the Basis of International Summits on Climate


Kishkan Ekaterina Romanovna
Postgraduate Student, Department of International Economics,
Donetsk National University
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Universitetskaya St., 24, 83055 Donetsk, Ukraine

Abstract. The article studies the research of the results of international summits on climate change held from 2009 to 2014 in Copenhagen, Cancun, Durban, Doha, Lima. Today climate change issues are among the most discussed problems in the world, and negative impact of human activities on climate change process is doubtless. The comprehension of importance of climate change problem at the international level led to signing Kyoto protocol. But the forms of international collaboration created by this protocol were not perfect. The contradictions between members of Kyoto protocol were strongly marked in 2009 at the Copenhagen Summit and they were caused by imperfections of Kyoto protocol itself. As a result, among countries, which signed the protocol, some major emitters of greenhouse gases (for instance, USA) did not eventually ratify it, and that fact called into question the meaning of Kyoto initiatives on the whole. Since 2010 a nonstop process has been going on creating a new agreement, which would suit all parties. In 2011 the decision of Durban Platform was made. It was ought to be a prolongation of Kyoto initiatives, but the compromise had not yet been found, and the situation is aggravated by economic and political crisis in a number of countries, which put off solution of climate change problems on indefinite term. As a result of survey, the article reveals aspects, which are the basis of main contradictions between member countries, and which need to be taken into consideration when forming a new document in 2015, to avoid repetition of the Kyoto situation.
Key words: Kyoto Protocol, Durban Platform, Kyoto Protocol mechanisms, reductions of greenhouse gases emissions, climate change, summit on climate change.

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Problems and Prospects of Kyoto Protocol Prolongation Till 2020 on the Basis of International Summits on Climate by Kishkan E.R. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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