Beloglazova S.A. The Development of Nanotechnological Clusters as the Elements of Nanoindustrial Infrastructure: European Experience


Beloglazova Svetlana Anatolyevna
Postgraduate Student,
Department of International and Regional Economy,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The international experience in managing innovative development of regions shows that at this level of global economic system there is an objective process of synthesis of scientific, industrial, economic and social policies in the form of peculiar entities, named clusters, which helps to create favorable environment for appearance and expansion of innovations. Development strategies of advanced countries embody the identification of key competencies of regions and creation of nanotechnological clusters in order to stimulate innovation. Such clusters are intended to develop the methods for nanotechnology application, create new types of business activities, and provide world-class quality. The importance of implementation of nanotechnological cluster policy being a factor of sustainable development of economic systems at micro-, meso- and macro- levels determines the necessity to consider the experience of successful nanotechnological clusters in Italy and France: the cluster of nanotechnologies in the Veneto region, which is the largest and most competitive cluster in Italy, generating up to 9.3 % of the Italy’s GDP, and the Minalogic cluster in the French region Grenoble, being included in the top 5 largest micro and nanotechnological clusters of the world while Grenoble is in the top 15 most innovative regions in the world. The author defines the largest cluster members, describes key areas and key measures of government and non-government support, analyzes economic performance of clusters and describes their impact on the economy of a region and a country as a whole.
Key words: nanotechnology, nanoindustry, innovation, innovation clusters, nanotechnological clusters, competitiveness.

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The Development of Nanotechnological Clusters as the Elements of Nanoindustrial Infrastructure: European Experience by Beloglazova S.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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