Kumaneeva M.K. Investment Processes in the Industrial Region: Current Status and Prospects of Enhancing


Kumaneeva Mariya Konstantinovna
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Industrial Management,
Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev
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Vesennyaya St., 28, 650000 Kemerovo, Russian Federation

Abstract. The trends and direction of investment processes are the most important features of regional development. In modern conditions we observe the grave shortage of investment resources in the priority areas of industrialization. Despite the overall increase of investment volume, the investments in the production of high-tech products which have key value for the acceleration of industrialization continue to decline steadily. This process reveals itself urgently in the industrial regions of Russia. According to expert estimates, about two-thirds of investment savings are spent on the development of the mining sector. Under these conditions, the degradation of industrial structure is enhanced, the “scattering” of investment resources takes place as well as the increase of deficit in the industries which are the most priority and perspective for the development of the country. Therefore, the study of the efficiency of investment processes in the industrial region, as well as the existing models of investing in fixed assets represents an urgent task. The article describes the groups of economic sectors in Kemerovo region in terms of investments efficiency and the type of their financing. The results of the research showed that the nominal increase in the investments flow into the region’s economy does not always lead to a real investment increase. Otherwise speaking, under the inflationary pressures we can observe the actual effect of different scale for different sectors of regional economy. The author reveals that the lowest efficiency of investment in fixed assets is typical for the sectors of Kemerovo region’s economy, where the investment activity is determined by the existing public and regional policy. The articles contains the directions of investment processes intensification for the sectors of the Kemerovo region’s economy, taking into account the strategic development priorities and revealed efficiency of investments in fixed assets.
Key words: investment in fixed assets, industrial region, efficiency, economic sectors, regional development.

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Investment Processes in the Industrial Region: Current Status and Prospects of Enhancing by Kumaneeva M.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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