Alexandr N. Kravchenko

Deputy Chief Engineer, Head of the Design Systems Development Department, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center, Maxima Gorkogo St, 42, 628048 Tyumen, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Abstract. This article opens a series of publications devoted to the problems of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of standard solutions in the oil and gas sector. The maximum effect of increasing the efficiency of production processes can be achieved with the introduction of a complex of new technologies, best practices, approaches and innovations (standardization, unification, effective design solutions, improving production efficiency, multi-level decomposition design, digital technologies, etc.). Both domestic and foreign scientists pay special attention to the theory and methodology of evaluating the effectiveness of enterprises. The publication provides general formulas for calculating economic efficiency, typification coefficients, reduction of the complexity of creating project products using standard solutions and the economic effect of using standard design solutions. The analysis of the innovative development programs of the largest companies of the complex allows us to determine its priority areas: cost reduction, development of new methods of energy extraction, discovery of new methods of equipment design, introduction of digital technologies, improving the efficiency of design solutions, search and implementation of innovative ones. The tasks of introducing innovative technologies and effective design solutions into the production process of oil and gas producing enterprises are solved by improving the methodological base, optimizing design solutions and managing design technology. Examples of effective design solutions are given. The development of standard design allows us to realize the qualitative and economic advantages of replicating effective design solutions, which is expressed in improving the quality of design solutions, reducing costs and timing of design and construction and installation work. Due to the development of typification and the analysis of technical solutions carried out on a constant basis, within the framework of large fuel and energy companies, it becomes possible to build an effective management platform and synthesis of best practices in a single solution. The publication presented to the readers sets out the main directions of obtaining an economic effect from the typification of project solutions, which are important for further understanding of the problems of evaluating the effectiveness of typing and unification.

Key words: FEC, innovations, projecting, optimization, typification, unification, typical projecting, economic efficiency.

Creative Commons License

PRINCIPLES OF FORMING THE ECONOMIC EFFECT OFTYPIFICATION DESIGN SOLUTIONS FOR OILAND GAS FACILITIES by Kravchenko A.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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