Sidorova Ekaterina A. 

Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, International Academy of Business and New Technologies, Sovetskaya St, 80, 150003 Yaroslavl, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Abstract. The most important factor of the global economy development is its digitalization. The degree of introduction of technologies determines the overall level of national economy competitiveness. In this context, the research studies modern approaches to the definition of the digital economy and analyzes the digital economy development of the Eurasian Economic Union (the EAEU) countries. Therefore, the article, first, characterizes the features and challenges of the digital economy as a new socio-economic system. Second, it investigates the development of digital economy in the EAEU countries by analyzing the statistical data and indices and identifies the potential of the EAEU countries in this field. Specifically, a rating assessment is made based on the E-Government Development Index, the E-participation Index, the ICT Development Index, the Network Readiness Index, and the Global Cybersecurity Index. The research has showed that there are currently conditions for the development of the digital economy of the EAEU countries and the strengthening of cooperation between them in this field. The advantages of Russia are not total, and Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia have the best result in a number of indicators among the EAEU countries. In 2017 the “Main Directions for Implementing the Digital Agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union Until 2025” were approved by the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. This document includes the following directions: digital transformation of economic sectors and cross-sectoral transformation, digital transformation of the goods markets, services, capital and labor, digital transformation of management processes by integration processes, the development of digital infrastructure and ensuring the security of digital processes. In addition, a number of projects aimed at creating a single digital space are being implemented. This article extends the knowledge about the digital economy development of the EAEU countries, their potential in this area in terms of the implementation of the joint digital agenda.

Key words: digital economy, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), E-Government Development Index, E-participation Index, ICT Development Index, Network Readiness Index, Global Cybersecurity Index, potential for the implementation of a joint digital agenda by the EAEU countries.

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WFEATURES OFTHE DIGITAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT IN THE EAEU COUNTRIES by Sidorova E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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