Dmitriy P. Maevskiy
Candidate of Economic Sciences, First Vice-Rector, Omsk State Technical University, Prosp. Mira, 11, 644050 Omsk, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , 0000-0003-0533-7609
Abstract. The work is devoted to the assessment of the migration situation in the regions of the old and new borderlands of the Russian Federation in the period of 2008 and 2017. The use of methods of comparative analysis of migration processes in the border regions allowed differentiating and generalizing the migration flows by certain types of population migration exchange. The results of the research were obtained on the basis of generalization of statistical data and identification of the peculiarities of the transformation of the migration situation in the border regions for 2008 and 2017.
Studies have shown that the overall migration increase in the regions of the old borderland in 2008 was characterized by a negative value. All subjects of the old borderland in 2008 were attractive for foreign migrants.
Positive migration increase was noted due to international migration in all the territories. The migratory situation in 2017 in the regions of the old borderland has changed: the number of regions where the total migration increase was positive has drastically decreased.
The internal migration in the regions of the new borderland was characterized by an outflow of the population, which compensated by 2.3 times the superior migration growth of international migration. By 2017, the number of subjects in the group of new border regions, where a positive migration increase was observed, decreased.
Based on the analysis of the structure of migration flows in the two groups of border regions, past and current characteristics of migration trends were identified. It is shown that constant population transformation takes place in the border area due to changes in the parameters and direction of the migration movement. Migration growth as a source of replenishment of the population of border territories in one period can be transformed into outflow in another period. The regions that are permanent migrant recipients and whose population is accumulated due to both domestic and international migration are identified. The problem of population loss in a number of border regions due to migration processes entailing geopolitical and other risks is identified.
Key words: сross-border space, migration growth, internal migration, international migration, old border regions, new border regions.

TRANSFORMATION OF THE MIGRATION SITUATION IN THE OLD AND NEW BORDERLANDS by Maevskiy D.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.