Margarita Sh. Irizepova

Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor of Department of Theory of Finance, Credit and Taxation, Volgograd State University, Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Abstract. The paper describes the reserves that are formed in banking and non-banking credit organizations, demonstrates their differences and similarities, provides the arguments underlying the attribution of various reserves to the category of accounting, as well as effective or nominal ones. Reserves of credit institutions (with the exception of NCO-general agents) are created in accordance with the mandatory reserve requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and refer to the effective reserves formed under a truncated insurance principle. Insurance reserves in the Deposit Insurance Agency are formed only by banks, and refer to the effective insurance reserves built on a risk principle. Non-earmarked reserves formed in connection with the temporary formation of surplus funds in the accounts of credit institutions are classified as effective reserves. Accounting reserves formed by credit institutions on the basis of Bank of Russia Regulations No. 590-P and 283-P refer to nominal reserves. The relevance of this research is determined by the need for financial science in the correct descriptions of financial reserves created in banks and non-bank credit organizations (NPOs). The multiplicity of reserves in the credit sphere is determined by the functional characteristics of the organizations that make it up, the approaches of the financial regulator to the goals, limitations, methods of formation and use of reserves, legislative imperatives to determine their size and methods of calculation, and motivations for the owners of credit institutions to create them. All these aspects should be included in the scientific observation plan. The facts revealed in the research make it possible to form a list of necessary features that accurately reflect the nature of the reserves in the credit sector of the economy.

Key words: obligatory reserve requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, mandatory and voluntary reserves of credit institutions, accounting reserves, effective reserves, nominal reserves, reserves formed under an insurance and truncated Creative Commons License
FEATURES OF FINANCIAL RESERVES FORMATION IN BANKING AND NON-BANKING CREDIT ORGANIZATIONS by Irizepova M.Sh. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International principle.

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