Natalya P. Anoshkina
Postgraduate Student, Department of Banking, Money and Credit, Saratov Socio-Economic Institute (Branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Radishcheva St., 89, 410003 Saratov, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Abstract. The paper is devoted to the problem of credit loss management topical for modern Russian science and banking practice. The bank’s lending activity is an integral and the most profitable sphere of banking activity. Banks need to take credit risks inherent in their core business and minimize their impact through the establishment of advanced risk management systems. The study, reflected in the present paper, has been conducted in order to determine approaches to the organization of credit loss management in banking. Analysis of the system of management of credit risks and credit losses has shown that they have different scope, object and purpose. In this connection, there is an objective necessity to create a special subsystem for the management of credit losses in banks. On the basis of common bank approaches to credit risk management, the paper develops models of credit loss management: a multi-level management model in the area of ‘operational-tactical-strategic management’ and a functional management model in the area of ‘technology-execution-control’. These models are important for the modern theory and practice of banking, as they allow the bank to manage credit losses on the entire time horizon of the management process, thus opening a wide range of opportunities for the creation and implementation of large-scale programs, as well as specific techniques. This study allows drawing a conclusion about the need to consider control credit losses as a strictly regulated multi-level process, in which each division is assigned with specific objectives, tasks, functions, formally enshrined in the relevant lists, job descriptions and other legal documents.
Key words: management, risk management, credit, credit losses, credit risk, bank, organization of management.

MANAGEMENT OF CREDIT LOSSES by Anoshkina N.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.