Aleksandr А. Ermolenko
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, Krasnodar Branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Shosse Neftyanikov St./Fedora Luzana St., 32/34, 350051 Krasnodar, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Abstract. Possession of advanced subject potential has become one of the key factors of successful development in modern economy that concerns all its participants, including the national economic systems. Being a subject in the conditions of deep technological shifts and related large-scale social and economic transformations assumes the ability to react adequately to changes in the external environment of existence and to initiate such inner transformations that would make significant contribution to cumulative results of evolutionary process. Taking into account the achievements of global integration of economic relations, the mentioned circumstance makes us remember the cognitive potential of the theory of integrated subjects. This theory was developed on the methodological platform of Marxist political economy, and its opportunities are demanded in the research of subject potential of the Russian economy as a systemic integrity. Conceptual representation of the Russian economy as the integrated subject allows finding rational responds to a set of questions relating to the nature, the way of motion, the reactions of this economic system to changes in external competitive environment. We substantiate the legitimacy, relevance and necessity of applying the theory’s methodological tools for the analysis of a number of problems facing the Russian economy at the present stage of development. The correct use of such cognitive opportunities can ensure proper assessment of Russian economy’s self-motion. At the same time, the application of this methodology meets the restrictions caused by deficiency of research experience in the platform of Marxist political economy. We pay special attention to cross-disciplinary character of the stated scientific problem, which requires applying the complex of cognitive opportunities. Such opportunities are contained in modern editions of the systemic approach, the theory of economic relations’ personification, the theory of an Asian approach to production, the conception of non-uniform economic systems, the institutional economic theory, etc. We aim at real assessment of the creative potential possessed by the integrated subject of the Russian economy at the present stage of development.
Key words: Russian economy, integrated subjects, personification, power-property, determination, development, opportunities.

THE SUBJECT INTEGRITY OF RUSSIAN ECONOMY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE THEORY OF INTEGRATED SUBJECTS by Ermolenko A.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.