Elena V. Sibirskaya
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Department of Statistics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny lane, 36, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Abstract. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the need for a clear idea about the upcoming transformation of the Russian economy for implementing the national technology initiative (NTI). Today, Russia is facing a “challenge of development”, which determines the necessity of transition to breakthrough scientific and technological development as a major strategic objective for the future, which definitely determines further socio-economic development. In his address to the Federal Assembly of December 4, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin outlined the National technology initiative to be one of the priorities of state policy. “On the basis of long-term forecasting it is necessary to understand what challenges Russia will face in 10-15 years, what advanced solutions will be required in order to ensure national security, high quality of life, development of new technological order” (from the message to the Federal Assembly) [6]. The response to this challenge is the National technology initiative, aimed at developing a robust creative and business environment that allows to convert technological breakthroughs to new markets into an element of the system of continuous reproduction of income, human and technological capital. Information base of the research includes legal documents of the Government of the Russian Federation, the official publications under the project office of STI, reports of Russian Academy of Sciences, developments of the Expert Council under the government of the Russian Federation and Agency for strategic initiatives, Federal Agency of scientific organizations, research groups, individual scientists and specialists, Internet resources and the authors’ own developments. The first systematic and methodologically coherent statement of the ideology of economy transformation in the conditions of forming national technological initiative is presented in the report “Framework of the National technology initiative” of Scientific and organizational administration of RAS. The author deals with the problem of economy transformation aimed at transition to STI. The solution of this problem is impossible without carrying out a specific state policy. As a result, it is emphasized that over the past years this situation, which has been exacerbated by external conditions, objectively requires the development of new approaches to socio-economic and technological development of the country and abandoning failed models. It is obvious that the problem solution makes it necessary, firstly, to provide technological independence of the country, to get free from technology “needle” by means of import substitution. Secondly, it requires the transformation of the economy in order to create qualitatively new types of products based on the latest achievements of science. Thus, in the short term (5-7 years) the main problems of import substitution must be solved, and in the long term (20-30 years) – it is necessary to make the transition to advanced technological structure and transformation based on national technology initiative. The present research was funded by the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

TRANSFORMATION OF ECONOMY IN THE CONDITIONS OF FORMING THE NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL INITIATIVE by Sibirskaya E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Key words: transformation, technological structure, national technology initiative, economic policy, innovation activity.