Detochenko Liliya V. 

Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Geoecology and Methodology of Teaching Geography, Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogic University, Prosp. Lenina, 27, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

 Lobanova Natalya A.

Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Geoecology and Methodology of Teaching Geography, Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogic University, Prosp. Lenina, 27, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Abstract. The article deals with the role and place of the tourism industry at the present stage in the world economy and Russian economy. The authors show the change in the ratio between the number of tourists leaving Russia and the number of foreign citizens visiting the Russian Federation with tourist purposes during the crisis 2014-2016 years. The possibilities of developing the international Russian outbound tourism are studied. The authors consider the role and place of Russia as a supplier of tourists to other countries: dynamics, factors that promote and prevent the development of international outbound travel from Russia, change of trips geography, distribution of Russian tourists by the types of tourism. The analysis is carried out, and the changes of the top ten leading countries on the reception of Russian tourists in 2014-2016 are shown. The authors mark the countries with significant growth, and the countries that show a decline in the reception of tourists from Russia. The article describes the possibilities of international inbound tourism in Russia, involvement of tourists from around the world in the tourist industry in Russia: dynamics, geography of inbound tourism, changes in the share of countries, factors affecting the visiting of Russia by foreign tourists. The analysis is carried out, and the changes of the top ten leading countries on tourist visits in Russia in 2014-2016 are shown. The authors indicate the increasing role of tourists from the Asian region – from China, South Korea, India, Iran, which are interested in different types of tourism (including recreational beach tourism) in the territory of Russia in the incoming tourist flows to our country. The features of the development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation, the factors that promote and prevent the growth of the share of Russian domestic tourism at the present stage are shown. It is noted that, in the opinion of the authors, as early as in 2017 international outbound tourism will win back its positions from inbound and domestic tourism.

Key words: contribution of tourism to the economy, international outbound tourism, international inbound tourism, domestic tourism, tourism branch.

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RUSSIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY IN THE CONDITIONS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CRISIS OF 2014-2016 by Detochenko L.V., Lobanova N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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