Regina I. Amirova
Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Theory and Socio-Economic Policy,
Bashkir Academy of State Service and Management at the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan
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Zaki Validi St., 40, 450008 Ufa, Russian Federation

Abstract. In the course of the analysis conducted on the basis of an indicative approach the author reveals the system of indicators as a characteristic of the patent process – the term which is argued in the article. These indicators allowed grouping Russian regions by the efficiency of patent dynamics. The patent dynamics is a complex phenomenon and it is understood, firstly, as the ratio of the filed applications to granted patents, secondly, as the efficiency of patent dynamics on implementing production, thirdly, as the ratio of granted patents to implemented patents and the level of invention activity, and fourthly, as the ratio of efficiency of patent dynamics on implementing production to overall patent dynamics efficiency.
The author reveals high and relatively high values for these indicators in the vast majority of Russian regions. The indicators for all Russian regions are calculated on the basis of the proposed estimation technique, and their grouping is performed. It was found that the dynamics of the patent cannot be an indicator of innovative activity in the region. This index can be used only in conjunction with other content that more fully reflects the state of the elements of the patent process. The author proves that in areas with high population density the direct connection between created and implemented patents is not observed.
The article stresses that the innovators are not enough numerous to meet the innovation needs of the economy, and the created technologies are not always demanded in production.
It was revealed that in the regions of Russia there are no prerequisites for the development of the patent process due to the low level of invention activity.
Key words: innovative potential, innovative activity, patent dynamics, patent dynamics on introducing into production, the process of innovation, scientific and technical sphere, invention activity.

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Estimation of Innovative Activity in the Regions of Russia by Regina I. Amirova is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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