Pakina A.A., Karzhauova M.K. Renewable Energy Development in the Context of Green Economy: the Experience of Kostanay Region (Kazakhstan)


Alla Anatolyevna Pakina
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Leading Researcher, Department of Rational Nature Management,
Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Leninskie gory, 1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Margarita Kuybeshovna Karzhauova
Bachelor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Management,
Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Leninskie gory, 1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The world’s best practices of “green” economy principles implementation demonstrate that one of the key criteria in this way is increasing energy efficiency. We have investigated the perspectives of renewable energy use through the case study of the Kostanay region – one of developed regions of Kazakhstan with industrial-agrarian type of the economy. The analysis of the natural conditions revealed that the area has sufficient resources to generate energy through renewable sources. The average annual radiation on the territory of the Kostanay region amounts to 3.55 kWh/mІ per day, and wind resources are also available to produce energy: the average wind speed here is 4-5 m/s, with the maximum wind speed 40 m/s in the southern part of the region. At the same time the biomass resources have the greatest potential as a renewable energy source. Taking into account the share of agricultural areas (92 %), the Kostanay region has a great potential for recycling agricultural production wastes – of both the livestock and crop production – for energy purposes, and such facilities are already in operation in some farms of the region. The assessment of biogas production potential, carried out in the article, showed that it can be considered as the most effective way to reduce fossil fuels consumption and to cover energy demand in the agricultural sector. Development of renewable energy will also contribute to environmental problems solution and raising the living standards of the local population.
Key words: green economy, renewable sources of energy, Kostanay region, carbon intensity, GRP energy intensity.

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Renewable Energy Development in the Context of Green Economy: the Experience of Kostanay Region (Kazakhstan) by Pakina A.A., Karzhauova M.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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