Brizhak O.V. The Idea of Conformation in the Study of Systemic Socio-Economic Transformations


Olga Valentinovna Brizhak
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory,
Kuban State Technological University
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Krasnaya St., 135, 350000 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Abstract. The author shows the idea of conformation at studying the issues of intracorporate structure, corporate capital and economic (productive) relations in the context of specific systemic socio-economic transformations. The dynamism and depth of current changes makes reflect on their nature, their objective conditionality, their dependence on existing factors. The problems of systemic market reforms are projected to private transformations. They relate both to individual economic entities (firms, companies, corporations), and to individual regions and territories of the national economy. In such conditions the aims of economic system development are changing and being corrected, and the possibilities are being reestimated. In the process of reforming the Russian economy some of the borrowed elements were rejected as inadequate and socially unacceptable. The other part was modified and embedded in public life in the course of implementation, so that they often served the opposite purposes in comparison with those for which they were borrowed. The article reveals the mission of conformation as a seamless integration of this process into the context of systemic socio-economic reforms, ensuring the necessary proportionality of transformations, the prevention of arousing gaps that threaten the sustainable movement in the corporate sector and systemic organization of economic relations at the intra-corporate level. Core development of contradictions, sprouts of post-market relations, components of the traditional capitalist market organization in terms of socio-economic transformation of Russia have impact on the economic behavior of corporations and on the specifics of intracorporate relations and interests. The corporation’s behavior is always focused on the specifics of domestic relations, the stability of legal and political system, property rights protection, preservation of national culture, etc. The author carries out the present research on the basis of systemic, institutional and political-economic categorical apparatus.
Key words: conformation, socio-economic transformations, systemic approach, corporation, corporate capital, intra-corporate relations, economic interests, social and economic contradictions.

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The Idea of Conformation in the Study of Systemic Socio-Economic Transformations by Brizhak O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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