Inshakov O.V. Reflection of the Evolution of the Family Institution in Russkaya Pravda


Oleg Vasilyevich Inshakov
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation,
Director of Scientific Research Institute of Social and Economic Development of the Region,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The problems of maintaining conditions of expanded reproduction of family as a basic unit of society remain relevant in the Russian state policy for a millennium. An important example of this gives the first written code of laws Russkaya Pravda, in which the standards reflecting the interests of the institutions of state and family harmonization had been recorded and developed from the beginning of the 11th century. The evolution of this document from Russkaya Pravda by Jaroslav Mudryj (not earlier than 1016) to Russkaya Pravda by the Jaroslavichi (about 1072) and later, discloses the change of status, importance and role of small family in a period of transition from heathenism to Christianity, strengthening rational basis of economy, weakening tribal relations within large families, and rejecting the outdated forms of marriage.
The analysis of Russkaya Pravda reveals the systemic complexity of family as a complicated institution, resulting from a combination of a plurality of specific institutions in the framework of this primary group of society organization is manifested. It is reasonable to allocate institutions of different levels in the system of family relations. These institutions are implemented by its members, have fixed status, ensure system’s safety, and contribute to sustainable and expanded reproduction.
The evolution of Russkaya Pravda shows awareness of increasing importance of family reproduction for preserving the quality and quantity of people as a natural and social foundation of the state, and as a decisive factor of strengthening the ancient Rus. Protection of family members and property is becoming the priority of state policy under the pressure of complex social processes.
Russkaya Pravda has considerable heuristic potential for systemic institutional analysis of the family’s structure, functions and forms in ancient Rus in the 11th century. Implementing systemic institutional research of a family in the old Russian society involves the increased use of multi-disciplinary approach and application of universal evolutionism methodology.
Key words: Russkaya Pravda, institution of family, institutional regulation, housekeeping, reproduction, preservation of the people.

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Reflection of the Evolution of the Family Institution in Russkaya Pravda by Inshakov O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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