Zhukov R.A. Assessment of Atmospheric Air in the Regions of the Central Federal District in the Framework of the Fundamental Approach to Assessment of Efficiency of Activity of Subjects of Socio-Ecological-Economic Systems Management

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2016.3.17

Roman Aleksandrovich Zhukov
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Management,
Tula State University
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Ryazanskaya St., 1, 300024 Tula, Russian Federation

Abstract. The author proposes the fundamental approach to the assessment of the effectiveness of the managing subjects, which contains logically related steps of complex systems analysis and synthesis solutions to alignment asymmetry and conditions for sustainable development of regional social, ecological and economic systems (SEES), air condition in the regions of the Central Federal District is studied. The research process involves the formation of a generalized performance indicator in the chosen direction of the plurality of partial indicators, taking into account their mutual influence through the pair of correlation coefficients and is defined as the ratio of the actual value to the standard. The standard was calculated according to the effective model of communication features with the factors (conditions) of SEES functioning, built with the help of correlation and regression analysis. As private performance indicators, the author selects standardized and normalized indicators of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air and trapping of atmospheric air pollutants from stationary sources, taking into account the territorial socio-ecological and economic conditions. The efficiency of activity of subjects of management regarding the use of environmental expenditures is calculated. The effectiveness of the change is calculated as the ratio of performance indicators to the change of factor variables. The synthesis step is to search for the desired values of controlled factors in which SEES performance indicators would be compliant with the law by solving a nonlinear optimization problem with constraints. In the study, for a number of regions the necessary changes of environmental costs are presented, which, in turn, can be used as practical recommendations for various levels of state administration.
Key words: efficiency, socio-ecological-economic systems (SEES), efficiency indicator, mathematical model, regression model, social and economic development (SED).

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Assessment of Atmospheric Air in the Regions of the Central Federal District in the Framework of the Fundamental Approach to Assessment of Efficiency of Activity of Subjects of Socio-Ecological-Economic Systems Management by Zhukov R.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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