Oleynik O.S., Komochkina L.E. Innovations in Statistical Observations of Consumer Prices

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2016.3.13

Olga Stepanovna Oleynik
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Head of Regional Department of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Volgograd Region
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Volodarskogo St., 1, 400066 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Larisa Evgenyevna Komochkina
Head of Department of Price and Finance Statistics,
Regional Department of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Volgograd Region
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Volodarskogo St., 1, 400066 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article analyzes the innovative changes in the methodology of statistical surveys of consumer prices. These changes are reflected in the “Official statistical methodology for the organization of statistical observation of consumer prices for goods and services and the calculation of the consumer price index”, approved by order of the Federal State Statistics Service of December 30, 2014 no. 734. The essence of innovation is the use of mathematical methods in determining the range of studies objects of trade and services, in calculating the sufficient observable price quotes based on price dispersion, the proportion of the observed product (service), a representative of consumer spending, as well as the indicator of the complexity of price registration. The authors analyzed the mathematical calculations of the required number of quotations for observation in the Volgograd region in 2016, the results of calculations are compared with the number of quotes included in the monitoring. The authors believe that the implementation of these mathematical models allowed to substantially reduce the influence of the subjective factor in the organization of monitoring of consumer prices, and therefore to increase the objectivity of the resulting statistics on consumer prices and inflation. At the same time, the proposed methodology needs further improvement in terms of payment for goods, products (services) by representatives having a minor share in consumer expenditure.
Key words: inflation, consumer price, statistical observation, structure of consumer spending, product (service)-representative, conditional dispersion, price quotation.

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Innovations in Statistical Observations of Consumer Prices by Oleynik O.S., Komochkina L.E. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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