Mikhaylova N.A. Innovation Forms and Mechanisms of Forming the Conception of Effective Municipal Management

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2016.3.12

Nataliya Aleksandrovna Mikhaylova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of State and Municipal Management,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. A dynamic, uncertain external environment increases the dependence of the objectives of the system of state and municipal government on the conditions and the actions of environmental factors that entail a change in the behavior of the subjects of management, improving the ability of government to carry out strategic management and interaction of bodies of state and municipal authorities with the city-forming enterprises. The article revealed the lack of alternative mechanisms, based on an integrated management system industries and areas of the municipality and to improve the efficiency of the municipal administration in general. The use of innovative methods and mechanisms is important in the municipal administration. The analysis of innovative technologies and concepts of effective management of a municipality, such as: the “smart city” or high-tech city; “open city” or “open municipality”; city corporation or a city as in excess of corporation; city management is based on the model “contract manager”; quality management technology built into the system of municipal management based on the quality management system model. The analysis showed that the state and municipal institutions in many developed countries and in Russia are converted in order to improve its efficiency, ensuring higher service levels and transparency of its operations, giving a positive example for the extrapolation of the municipalities that have not yet using innovative forms and mechanisms management. In general, the application of innovative developments in the formation of the concept of effective municipal administration should be maintained as the regional and municipal authorities, as well as at the federal level, as innovation is the key to the further development of state and municipal management system.

Key words: system of state and municipal management, municipality, innovation, “smart city”, “open municipality”, city corporation, city management, quality management.

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Innovation Forms and Mechanisms of Forming the Conception of Effective Municipal Management by Mikhaylova N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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