Mitrofanova I.V., Tlisov A.B., Zhukov A.N., Shavtikova L.M. Influence of the Factor of Uncertainty on Development and Implementation of Modern Russian Megaprojects


Inna Vasilyevna Mitrofanova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Leading Researcher,
Institute of Social, Economic and Humanitarian Research,
Southern Scientific Center of RAS
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Prosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Azamat Borisovich Tlisov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology,
North Caucasian State Humanitarian and Technological Academy
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Stavropolskaya St., 36, 369000 Cherkessk, Russian Federation
Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zhukov
Teacher, Department of Economy and Management,
Volgograd Institute of Business
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Kachintsev St., 63, 400010 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Lilianna Magomedovna Shavtikova
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology,
North Caucasian State Humanitarian and Technological Academy
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Stavropolskaya St., 36, 369000 Cherkessk, Russian Federation

Abstract. The general culture of design, planning and implementation of megaprojects in Russia is underdeveloped. Commercialization of procedures of projects’ justification and the involvement of expert community hinder an objective assessment of risks and efficiency of investment projects, while the aspiration to save money at stages of scientific justifications and skilled and experimental checks, lead often to adventurous decisions and unpredictable consequences. The article’s purpose is to reveal the identification signs of modern territorial megaprojects as important tool of the state strategic management and to reveal a complex of the various risks accompanying processes of development and implementation of large investment projects. The special attention is paid to such types of risk as competence and corruption risks. On the example of modern Russian megaprojects, such as “the Ural Industrial – the Ural Polar”, construction of Olympic objects in the city of Sochi, the authors show that these risks became either the reason of megaproject’s rebranding, or led to essential excess of the actual expenses in comparison with the planned. The authors are sure that identification of possible corruption risks at a predesign stage, accounting of reputation risks, elimination of low competences risks are an important task aimed at decrease of uncertainty of final effect from implementation of the territorial complex megaproject.
Key words: territory, megaproject, development, complexity, life cycle, uncertainty, risk, national strategy, regional policy.

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Influence of the Factor of Uncertainty on Development and Implementation of Modern Russian Megaprojects by Mitrofanova I.V., Tlisov A.B., Zhukov A.N., Shavtikova L.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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