Korobov S.A. Formation of the Regional System of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Current Economic Conditions

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2016.3.5

Sergey Aleksandrovich Korobov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Acting Head of Department of Management,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. In connection with the growing importance of small and medium enterprises as a crucial element of innovation-oriented economy, the implementation of measures to support and promote small and medium enterprises at the regional level should be based on rational development of existing regional authorities’ resources. Therefore, for the development and adoption of effective (rational) decisions in management development of small and medium business, it is important to use the cognitive tools of analysis – modern technologies of system analysis. The article assesses the government measures on the formation of a regional system of development of small and medium enterprises using 4 author’s criteria; provides a cognitive map of the interaction of resources at their development in the process of formation of regional system of development of small and medium enterprises; presents the algorithm of formation of regional system of small and medium business development. The study is based on comprehensive and comparative analysis of the state measures for formation of regional system of small and medium enterprises development in the context of the resource-oriented approach, graphical analysis in the framework of cognitive modeling causal relationships between existing regional authorities, resources, and stages of formation of regional system of development of small and medium enterprises in modern economic conditions, represented in the form of an algorithm. The author comes to the conclusion that the tools of cognitive analysis can be successfully applied in the formation of a regional system of development of small and medium enterprises, as they allow to provide the maximum socio-economic efficiency of harnessing the region’s resources.
Key words: region, small and medium enterpreneurship, cognitive analysis, development, system, public policy.

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Formation of the Regional System of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Current Economic Conditions by Korobov S.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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