Ivantsova E.A. Problems and Prospects in Management of Solid Household Wastes

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2016.2.15

Elena Anatolyevna Ivantsova
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Asociate Professor,
Head of Department of Ecology and Nature Management,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The reasons of low level of involvement of secondary resources in commercial use in the Russian Federation are studied. It is revealed that the existing system for the treatment of household solid waste in the region is an inseparable waste collection, transport for disposal or temporary placement of waste, which in most cases act as places of long-term storage. The absence of a process for sorting and separation of useful component leads to an increase in the amount of waste and spent funds for the disposal of solid waste. It is noted that the main tasks and perspective directions of development of system of management in the sphere of household solid waste management for Volgograd agglomeration are as follows: maximum use of separate collection of solid household waste to obtain secondary resources and the reduction of the volume of disposed waste; use of the latest technologies for processing solid waste into secondary materials that will allow returning them to the components in the production cycle; remediation of closed landfills and the elimination of illegal dumping, which will reduce the area they occupy and their negative impact on the environment; the optimal operation of the existing solid waste landfills based on subsequent reclamation; and the collection of secondary raw materials; construction waste sorting facilities for processing of solid waste and enterprises for processing of secondary raw materials. The primary objective in the management of solid waste for the near future is to optimize their collection and disposal (at a constant long-term strategy for the transition from the field of disposal of solid waste their industrial processing).

Key words: solid household wastes, secondary raw materials, utilization, secondary recyclyng, selective collection of waste.

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Problems and Prospects in Management of Solid Household Wastes by Ivantsova E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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