Dushkova D.O., Kirillov S.N. Urban Green Infrastructure: German Experience

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2016.2.14

Diana Olegovna Dushkova
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Researcher, Department of Rational Nature Management,
Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Leninskie Gory, 1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
Sergey Nikolaevich Kirillov
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Rational Nature Management,
Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Leninskie Gory, 1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper presents a concept of urban green infrastructure and analyzes the features of its implementation in the urban development programmes of German cities. We analyzed the most shared articles devoted to the urban green infrastructure to see different approaches to definition of this term. It is based on materials of field research in the cities of Berlin and Leipzig in 2014-2015, international and national scientific publications. During the process of preparing the paper, consultations have been held with experts from scientific institutions and Administrations of Berlin and Leipzig as well as local experts from environmental organizations of both cities. Using the German cities of Berlin and Leipzig as examples, this paper identifies how the concept can be implemented in the program of urban development. It presents the main elements of green city model, which include mitigation of negative anthropogenic impact on the environment under the framework of urban sustainable development. Essential part of it is a complex ecological policy as a major necessary tool for the implementation of the green urban infrastructure concept. This ecological policy should embody not only some ecological measurements, but also a greening of all urban infrastructure elements as well as implementation of sustainable living with a greater awareness of the resources, which are used in everyday life, and development of environmental thinking among urban citizens. Urban green infrastructure is a unity of four main components: green building, green transportation, eco-friendly waste management, green transport routes and ecological corridors. Experience in the development of urban green infrastructure in Germany can be useful to improve the environmental situation in Russian cities.
Key words: green infrastructure, city, human well-being and human health, ecosystem services, ecological policy, Germany, Russia.

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Urban Green Infrastructure: German Experience by Dushkova D.O., Kirillov S.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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