Glazova M.V. Modern Methods of Management Decision-Making in Entrepreneurial Structures Aimed at Sustainable Development in Conditions of Crisis


Marina Viktorovna Glazova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy General Director in Economics and Finance,
Treasurer “LUKoil-Energoseti” LLC
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Chertanovskaya St., 24/2, 117525 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The aim of the article is to develop a method for management decisionmaking, ensuring the sustainable development of enterprise structures in the conditions of crisis. To this end, the author makes a comparative analysis of modern methods of justification, adoption and implementation of administrative decisions in enterprise structures, focused on sustainable development in the conditions of crisis. The results of this analysis show that all of these methods involve quantifying the scale of different criteria, which do not reflect causal logic of the preferences of some other criteria. The results of the ranking cannot be distinguished from a number of other similar ratings (with slight differences in the weights), therefore, the expected nature of the uniqueness of the decision-making model is not provided. To solve the problems indicated in this paper, we propose an alternative approach to the aggregation of conflicting preferences of managerial decisions: to come up with a quality solution to resolve conflicts between the preferences of solutions through a variety of criteria, and to aggregate them to the final decision. The author develops unified method of decision-making. The fact that the method provides information to clarify the criteria values and the reasons for their relative importance to the decision makes it particularly attractive in times of crisis, as it creates an opportunity for the delegation of authority and the use of standard solutions. It allows to reflect the logic and the causal relationships of ranking criteria, as well as to simplify the process of management decision-making, eliminating it from a difficult procedure for placing the weighting factors. The method is recommended for the use in making decisions with a small number of options and criteria. It can also be used as a test has taken management decisions, taking into account only the most significant criteria.

Key words: management decision-making, conflict of interests, entrepreneurial structure, sustainable development, crisis.

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Modern Methods of Management Decision-Making in Entrepreneurial Structures Aimed at Sustainable Development in Conditions of Crisis by Glazova M.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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