Elkhina I.A. Analytical Assessment of Structural Shifts in the Economy of the Volgograd Region in Conditions of Development of Convergent Technologies

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2016.2.3

Irina Aleksandrovna Elkhina
Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Informatics and Management,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents the results of the assessment of the structural shifts in the economy of the Volgograd region due to the development of convergent technologies, innovation and technology. The development of convergent technologies is one of the factors for the transition of the economy to a new technological order. Industry structure undergoes quantitative and qualitative changes under the influence of scientific and technological progress, the development of cyclical economy and other factors. Such changes ultimately lead to structural shifts. The results of assessments of structural shifts in the economy of the Volgograd region in terms of gross value added, employment of economically active population and investment in fixed assets by economic activity are presented for the time period from 2005 to 2014. To count structural shifts in economy the author uses the index of Ryabtsev, as it has a scale of structural differences. Based on the findings, the author makes conclusions about the structural development of the region in time and as compared to the other regions in the Southern Russia. The smallest structural shifts have been obtained in terms of employment, the largest – in terms of investment in fixed assets. However, application of this index does not let to assess the degree of influence of the technological base on the development of economic system. Therefore, the author proposes to supplement the research of structural shifts by the author’s characteristic such as impulse of structural shifts, which serves as a measure of resource supply process of initiating structural shifts. Approbation of methodology for calculating impulse of structural shifts made on the basis of the Southern Russian regions with the rating on the author’s sample indicators, reflecting the state of infrastructure, innovation, human resources security, efficiency and the promotion of scientific development, amount of the costs of innovation, availability of developed regional target programs. The findings suggest that the regions of the Southern Russia have the potential of structural shifts for further movement in the direction of innovative development. Furthermore, the author calculated the coefficients of localization for detection of transformation processes in the economic structure of the Volgograd region for 2005-2014 years. This allows us to estimate the dynamics of the industry specialization.
Key words: structural shift, structural differences, convergent technologies, impulse of structural shift, economy of the Volgograd region.

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Analytical Assessment of Structural Shifts in the Economy of the Volgograd Region in Conditions of Development of Convergent Technologies by Elkhina I.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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