Makarenko O.S. Structure and Prospects of Development of Public Sector of the Russian Economy


Olga Sergeevna Makarenko
Postgraduate Student, Department of State and Municipal Management,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetskу, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. In the context of globalization and the increasing threats to national security a special place is given to the public sector of the Russian economy. In a market economy, the public sector is actively used as a means to achieve the regulation of many public social and economic goals such as stable development of important strategic sectors of the economy. In this connection, the urgent task consists in forming a strong and effective public sector for maintaining the production of public goods and the provision of public services, ensuring sustainable development of the national economy and improving the quality of life of the population as a whole. The article describes the concept and essence of the public sector, defined by its role in the development of the economy and the country as a whole. The authors compare the concepts of the public sector and public property. The structure of the public sector includes general government and the sector of public corporations and organizations. The concept of state corporations is considered to be an integral part of the public sector. The statistical indicators and the general parameters of the public sector of the Russian economy are described. The analysis revealed a tendency to reducing the number of enterprises in the state and the municipal sector on the one hand, and the slowdown in the privatization, on the other hand. Among the promising areas of the public sector of the Russian economy the authors point out the creation of vertically integrated structures, the organization of which is controlled by the state and public-private partnerships support. The following operation of the state and municipal enterprises sector is still associated with the solution of important issues determining the scope, boundaries, and evaluating the effectiveness of the public sector.
Key words: state, public sector, state-owned corporation, privatization, public-private partnership.

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Structure and Prospects of Development of Public Sector of the Russian Economy by Makarenko O.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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