Mansurov R.E. Assessment of Opportunities of Regional Development of Grain Products Subcomplex in the Republic of Karelia


Ruslan Evgenyevich Mansurov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management,
Director of Zelenodolsk Branch of Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)
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Rogacheva St., 4, 422544 Zelenodolsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article provides an analysis of the current state of grain products subcomplex in the Republic of Karelia. The study aims to assess the possible prospects of its development, taking into account the need to achieve self-sufficiency for flour and food security in the region and the country as a whole. The object of research is the grain products, the subject of research is economic mechanisms of interaction between producers and grain mills. The methods include the comparative analysis and the “ideal point” multi-criteria optimization. The author identified the most advantageous placement of the milling capacity of settlements and the Republic of Karelia allocated four commodity areas: Petrozavodsk (R), Sortavala (Wed), Segezhsky (Cr), Louhi (A). The centers of selected raw material supply zones are located, respectively, in the city of Petrozavodsk, Sortavala, Segezha town and Louhi. It is advisable to develop in them the flour mills to achieve self-sufficiency of the Republic of Karelia as far as flour and food security in the region is concerned. The author provides the forecast of grain products subcomplex in the Republic of Karelia in the term till 2030, as well as recommendations for the State program of development of agriculture of the republic.
Key words: agriculture, grain products subcomplex, food security, grain producers, grain processors, flour mills, zoning grain crops, regional development of agroindustrial complex.

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Assessment of Opportunities of Regional Development of Grain Products Subcomplex in the Republic of Karelia by Mansurov R.E. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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