Pavlov K.V., Lyashenko V.I., Kotov E.V., Mitrofanova I.V. Models of Regional Modernization of the Donbass Region


Konstantin Viktorovich Pavlov
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Head of Department of Economics and Management,
Kamsky Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies
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Vadima Sivkova St., 12A, 426003 Izhevsk, Russian Federation
Vyacheslav Ivanovich Lyashenko
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Head of Department of Business Economics and Regulatory Policy,
Institute of Industrial Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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Universitetskaya St., 77, 83048 Donetsk, Ukraine
Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kotov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Institute of Industrial Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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Universitetskaya St., 77, 83048 Donetsk, Ukraine
Inna Vasilyevna Mitrofanova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher,
Institute of Social, Economic and Humanitarian Research, Southern Scientific Center of RAS
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Prosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article deals with the methodical approach to the assessment of a level of development of post-industrial and neoindustrial models of economic modernization in regional aspect on the basis of various indicators. The proposed approach is approved with use of the statistical materials characterizing the state of economy in the regions of Donbass. The strategy of development of Donbass areas and their industrial cities would have to be based (we mean the situation if there were no military operations on this territory) on the basis of the model of neoindustrialization assuming development of the sphere of the hi-tech industry, automation and a computerization of productive forces, replacement of physical work by intellectual labor that is radically capable to change nature of work and structure of labor balance of this macro-region. Branches and sectors of a socio-economic complex of the Donbass region using achievements of fundamental and applied science, engineering and design thought for increase in a share of automation, a computerization and mechanization of workplaces, physical and brainwork prior to the beginning of a political conflict in Ukraine have the potential of development. The authors also pay attention to need of studying the agglomerative effect from interaction of the cities and areas of the Donbass euroregion. It is connected, first of all, with development of vertical and horizontal mechanisms of active use of potential of so-called “cities-kernels”, capable to make the catalyzing impact on production, social infrastructure, creation and development of new perspective branches in the cities-satellites.
Key words: Donbass region, regional development, estimate indicators, post-industrial and neoindustrial modernization, modeling, public-private partnership, agglomerative effect.

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Models of Regional Modernization of the Donbass Region by Pavlov K.V., Lyashenko V.I., Kotov E.V., Mitrofanova I.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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