Ivanov N.P. Management Innovations as a Condition of Competitive, Sustainable and Secure Development of the Region

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2016.1.4

Nikolay Prokofyevich Ivanov
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Head of Department on Strategic Development,
Stavropol State Medical University
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Mira St., 310, 355017 Stavropol, Russian Federation

Abstract. In the article within the comparative analysis the author reveals the tendencies of functioning of an economic complex in a number of regions of the South of Russia in recent years; describes the potential of modernization of economy of the Stavropol region; substantiates the influence of organizational and administrative innovations on activity and efficiency of using territorial management of institutes of economic development in practice. The author of the present research proves that realization of administrative capacity of bodies of the regional power of the Stavropol region is mainly connected with the development of production sector of the region, as well as with the monitoring and management of regional economy become the basic elements of creating the diversified, effective and competitive environment focused on creation in the region of the industrial complexes which yield the final products. The article emphasizes that organizational and administrative innovations are mostly directed on the activization of the process of regional innovative system formation, the search of more effective forms of interaction with vertically integrated companies (mega-corporations) operating on the territory of the region which investment resources need to be involved in the process of modernization and restructuring of a regional economic complex.
Key words: Southern macro-region, Stavropol region, regional economy, organizational and administrative innovations, diversified industrial complex, interregional cluster structures, mega-corporation.

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Management Innovations as a Condition of Competitive, Sustainable and Secure Development of the Region by Ivanov N.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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