Ivanova T.V. Analysis of Russian and Foreign Approaches to the Notion of “Social Responsibility of the Enterprise”
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.4.20
Tatyana Valeryevna Ivanova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor,
Department of International Economy,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
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Рrosp. Pobedy, 37, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. The purpose of the article is the development of scientific statements about social responsibility of the enterprise, which will promote the efficiency of enterprises in the market. The article presents the analysis of different approaches of Russian and foreign authors to the definition of “social responsibility of the enterprise”. The author concludes that there are several theoretical approaches to the formation of this concept, namely: increasing the performance of the company; addressing the needs of society; environmental protection; close cooperation with stakeholders (suppliers, consumers, employees); interaction with state authorities. The author also highlights several economic approaches to the notion of social responsibility of the enterprise. On the basis of the study it was found that most fully this concept represents a comprehensive approach, therefore it is proposed to clarify it in this approach. According to the author, the social responsibility of the enterprise is an activity that aims at improving the performance of the company through the implementation of ethical norms and rules, the implementation needs of the community, staff, close cooperation with stakeholders, minimizing the negative impact on the environment, interaction with state authorities. As a result, this will help to develop the foundations of social responsibility of enterprises and to increase the overall level of socio-economic development of the country. The necessity for further research on the formation of social responsibility of enterprises is pointed out. The practical significance of research results lies in the possibility of their use in the planning and development of measures for the development of industrial enterprises, which will contribute to the improvement of production efficiency in modern conditions.
Key words: social responsibility of the enterprise, competitiveness, stakeholders, environment, needs of society.

Analysis of Russian and Foreign Approaches to the Notion of “Social Responsibility of the Enterprise” by Ivanova T.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.