Strekalova A.S., Frolov D.P. Social and Ecological Systems as an Object of Ecological Territorial Marketing: Analysis and Synthesis of Definitions
Anastasiya Sergeevna Strekalova
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Master Student of Department of Marketing,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Daniil Petrovich Frolov
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Marketing,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. In this article the marketing role in a sustainable development of territories and the solution of problems of environmental protection is proved, lack of difficult integration of concept ecological and place marketing on micro- and mesolevels is established. The comparative analysis of approaches to the formation of a conceptual basis of the theory of social and ecological systems as the methodological basis of ecological place marketing is carried out. The braking factors of the formulation of the definitions of monoaspect describing interaction of supersystems of the nature, society and the economy connected with difficulty of their universal use in research of other disciplinary or interdisciplinary profile are assigned. It is expedient to use institutional evolutionary E. Ostrom’s approach to interpretation of social and ecological systems. It is proved that such systems are characterized by the increased level of system integration and interdependence of their elements which are difficult for decomposition into separate objects of management; domination of informal institutes and heterogeneity of institutional structure which determines the high level of uncertainty and operational expenses, congenital from them. The author assigned the methodological principles of the marketing analysis of the social and ecological systems founded on the principles of a continuity of social and natural processes, heterogeneity of a subject and structure of object, an economic causal relationship, stakeholdering, evolutionary character and transformation of the market of the social and ecological relations.
Key words: social and ecological system, territorial marketing, ecological territorial marketing, ecomarketing, ecological brand, principles of social and ecological system analysis.

Social and Ecological Systems as an Object of Ecological Territorial Marketing: Analysis and Synthesis of Definitions by Strekalova A.S., Frolov D.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.