Perevoznikova M.V. Conceptions of Marketing Management and Strategic Planning at the Market of Cellular Communication Services


Marina Vladimirovna Perevoznikova
Postgraduate Student, Pacific National University (Khabarovsk), Senior Specialist,
Mobile TeleSystems Public JSC (Saint Petersburg)
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Malaya Monetnaya St., 2 K, 197046 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study and analysis of marketing management and strategic planning of the companies working in the field of cellular communication services. The article represented the concept of marketing management and strategic planning, and their importance in the business development. Objectives and tasks of marketing management in the telecommunications are considered. Тhe conceptions of marketing management and the advisability of their use in the market of cellular communication are described. Relationship of marketing management and strategic planning at activities of the organization are determined. The stages of strategic planning and types of global and corporate development strategies of companies in the telecommunication market are analyzed. The application features of the marketing management concepts and development strategies in the telecommunications sector are considered. The evaluation criteria and mobile operators performance indicators (data) are formed. The conclusions about the role of the effective marketing management and strategic planning in the activities of mobile operators are formulated, that allows keeping marginality and high level of business profitability, creating competitive advantages in the conditions of highly competitive market, forming effective purchasing, sales activities and promotional activities, determining the correct tactics of behavior at the market.

Key words: conceptions of management, marketing management, strategic planning, cellular communication, service market.

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Conceptions of Marketing Management and Strategic Planning at the Market of Cellular Communication Services by Perevoznikova M.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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