Kim I.D. Iterative Expert-Functional Approach to the SWOT-Analysis in the Context of Strategic Marketing at the Japanese Cuisine Market
Igor Dmitrievich Kim
Postgraduate Student, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Analyst of Federal Company of Japanese Cuisine “Mybox”
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Loginova St., 23v, 404130 Volzhsky, Russian Federation
Abstract. SWOT-analysis is one of the most common in the world of strategic planning methods used in the intra-firm, corporate, branch and territorial levels. The popularity of this approach is due to the relatively simple intuitive mechanics of its implementation, as well as the minimum cost of financial resources and time. The designed iterative expert-functional approach to the SWOT-analysis and to the development of strategic initiatives suggest analyzing the company at an early stage in the context of its key areas of work, determining the components of internal and external environment from the perspective of core business functions, taking into account the degree of development of the organization, the complexity of its business processes and corporate culture. It is extremely important criteria of the SWOT-analysis, and the development of proposals should be: comprehensive, the most objective approach to the study of the internal and external components of interest management in the analysis and implementation of strategic initiatives, understanding the specifics of the business project manager and its business processes, opportunities and threats surrounding environment, institutional approach to the study of the factors that may affect the economic and financial results of the company and marketing. In practice, the literature is often possible to meet criticism of the SWOT-analysis because of its subjectivity and descriptive results. The proposed procedure does not rule out the nature of these disadvantages, but maximizes the comprehensive assessment of the company’s operations, taking into account the interaction of its structural units and efficiently organize business processes, evaluate the degree of rationality and flexibility in addressing the opportunities and threats of the external environment. The outcome of the expert-functional approach should be the strategic initiatives that take into account the interests and competence of the structural units of the organization, its strategic business function. In the next stage, these proposals should be analyzed in detail, the potential impact – assessed, after that the company’s management can take basic decisions on the results of the SWOT-analysis.
Key words: SWOT-analysis, strategic management, strategic marketing, strategic planning, expert-functional approach, key activities, business functions.

Iterative Expert-Functional Approach to the SWOT-Analysis in the Context of Strategic Marketing at the Japanese Cuisine Market by Kim I.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.