Yakovenko N.V. Trends and Prospects of the Textile Industry Development in the Depressed Region (Ivanovo Region)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.4.11

Nataliya Vladimirovna Yakovenko
Doctor of Geographical Sciences,
Professor, Department of Social and Economic Geography and Regional Studies,
Voronezh State University
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Kholzunova St., 40, office 303a, 394006 Voronezh, Russian Federation

Abstract. Socio-economic development of the Russian economy at the present stage is uneven and depends on many factors that determine the potential for the development of regions, and in particular, the depressed regions such as the Ivanovo region. Nowadays exploitation of extractive industries capacities should be transformed into a strategy of economic growth in manufacturing industries. The article deals with the current trends in industrial development of depressed region, due to the structural changes in city-forming industry - textile industry. They are linked to the colossal raw dependence, physical and technological obsolescence of equipment, lack of competitiveness of domestic enterprises, the strong growth of dependence on imports of raw materials and finished products, the actual lack of export activity, insufficient development of civilized trade formats, abundance of forms of unfair competition. The purpose of the research is a retrospective analysis of the textile industry development in the Ivanovo region and the search for ways to overcome the adverse inertial processes at the present stage. The object of the research is the textile industry in the Ivanovo region. The subject of the research is scientific and methodological issues related to the diversification and the need to improve the sustainability of the enterprises of this economic sector. Strengthening the positions of the textile industry in accordance with the dynamics of economic development of Russia is expressed now in the directions of diversification of the textile industry. The formation of textile industrial cluster in the Ivanovo region is a mechanism for increase in use efficiency of industrial, scientific, educational potentials and one of the priorities of increasing the competitiveness of the regional economy.

Key words: socio-economic development, textile industry, Ivanovo region, cluster, depressiveness, crisis.

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Trends and Prospects of the Textile Industry Development in the Depressed Region (Ivanovo Region) by Yakovenko N.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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