Kislitsyna V.V., Cheglakova L.S. Retrospective Analysis and Forecast for the Kirov Region Development Till 2020


Valentina Vasilyevna Kislitsyna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Head of Department of Commerce and Marketing,
Vyatka State University of Humanities
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Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 26, 610002 Kirov, Russian Federation
Larisa Sergeevna Cheglakova
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Commerce and Marketing,
Vyatka State University of Humanities
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Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 26, 610002 Kirov, Russian Federation

Abstract. At the beginning of the 20th century Vyatka province was considered to be an agricultural area. The industrial development proceeded slowly, although peasant crafts were popular. In the 1930s the indicators of social development lagged behind the national average. The negative trends in the socio-economic development of Russia have affected the region’s life in the postwar years. The consequences of modernization that took place in the 1980s’s are characterized by a slowdown in industrial production, the strengthening of inflationary processes, the reduction in the number of employees in the economy, the people’s outflow from the village. In 2002-2013 the GRP structure’s changes concerning the reduction of the agriculture’s share leads to the loss of the region’s positions in the national ranking. By 2014 there are positive shifts, namely the growth of the agricultural and industrial productions and the active development of retail trade. The total fertility rate is increasing. The gross regional product for 2020 (forecasted) corresponds to the average value among the subjects of the Volga-Vyatka region, but has the lowest growth rate. The main directions of GRP growth of the Kirov region are the ncrease of economically active population, rational distribution of investments in fixed capital, the introduction of technical and technological innovations, the number of enterprises and the cost of fixed assets increase.
Key words: Vyatka province, Kirov region, population, economy, gross regional product, forecast.

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Retrospective Analysis and Forecast for the Kirov Region Development Till 2020 by Kislitsyna V.V., Cheglakova L.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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