Mitrofanova I.V. Program Priorities of the Budgetary Investment in the Stavropol Region


Inna Vasilyevna Mitrofanova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Leading Researcher,
Institute of Social and Economic and Humanitarian Research of the Southern Scientific Center of RAS
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Prosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Abstract. The author analyzes the experience of applying the program and target methodology in practice of strategic territorial management in the Stavropol region – the region which is the catalyst of economic growth in the North Caucasus Federal District. The article’s purpose is to show that despite the favorable conditions for developing the agrarian and industrial complex, tourism, power industry extracting and processing industries in the regions of the North Caucasus, there was no success yet in improving social and economic situation. Realization of the dialectic principles of research within system and evolutionary approaches became a methodological basis of the solution of the tasks set by the author. Creative synthesis of general scientific and specific methods of research is used: subject and object, structural and functional, comparative and other types of analysis, as well as the method of expert evaluations. The investment priorities of the state program “Development of the North Caucasus Federal District for the period till 2025” adopted in 2014, are connected with formation of conditions for advancing development of the regional economy and creation of new jobs. The Federal Target Program “The South of Russia” is supposed to become its main tool in 2014-2020. The strategic tasks of this program include building social objects, increasing investment appeal of subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District and decreasing unemployment rate. The important role in development of an economic complex of the Stavropol region is played by the regional “Program of social and economic development of the Stavropol region for 2010-2015” the main objectives of which are connected with investment activity and innovative development, formation of competitive economy. However, despite active use in regional policy of program and target tools, one of the main problems constraining the accelerated development of economy of the Stavropol region, there is a deficiency of budgetary funds. Today the size of a public debt of the Stavropol region approached the limit – 42 billion rubles. Experience of 2008-2014 showed that program and target approach to social and economic development of subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District hardly has alternative. But dispersion of resources according to various programs and lack of coordination of efforts of public authorities can lead to violation of unity of a state policy in the North Caucasus, to inefficient use of budgetary funds, growth of corruption and other risks.

Key words: program and target approach, State program “Development of North Caucasus Federal District for the period till 2025”, federal target program “South of Russia”, “Program of Social and Economic Development of the Stavropol region for 2010-2015”, target indicators, investments, efficiency.

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