Volodin R.S., Moshkin I.V., Khubulova V.V. Initiatives of Ecological Responsibility

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.3.16

Roman Sergeevich Volodin
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Teacher,
Department of Theory and Technology in Management,
Southern Federal University
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Bolshaya Sadovaya St., 105/42, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Igor Valeryevich Moshkin
Candidate of Economic Scinces, Associate Professor,
Department of International and Innovative Management,
Southern Federal University
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Bolshaya Sadovaya St., 105/42, 344006, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Veronika Vasilyevna Khubulova
Acting Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management,
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
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Fevralskaya St., 54, 357502 Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. Preservation of environment is one of the global problems for the mankind. The concept of sustainable development presented at the governmental level in 1987 urged to fix at the interstate level the basic principles of development of humanity in harmony with the nature. The Charter signed in 1991 “Business and sustainable development” proclaimed a new stage of development of world entrepreneurship – business had to become ecologicallyoriented and to form the ecologically-oriented demand. In recent years it is possible to state the huge growth of technologies of effective environmental management, energy saving and energy efficiency. The leading world corporations include reduction of the ecological aspects in priority strategic objectives, as much as possible promoting transition to the use of green technologies. “Green” experience of the Western companies showed that reduction of influence on environment is not only the task of the state, but also the effective instrument to increase competitiveness of the organization. Besides the growth of favorable perception of the company by consumers, it receives considerable decrease in prime cost of the made production or the rendered services due to effective and economical use of natural resources. Russia is among the first countries who accepted the concept of sustainable development at the legislative level, nevertheless, only recently we can note that technologies of rational environmental management, energy saving and energy efficiency became one of priority problems of its development. In the present article the advanced methods of the state and private initiatives in the field of ecological responsibility are considered, and the methods of overcoming the new challenges are offered.

Key words: environmental management, concept of “green office”, economic tools, environment, social effect.

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Initiatives of Ecological Responsibility by Volodin R.S., Moshkin I.V., Khubulova V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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