Nikulina O.V., Manuylova E.S. Directions of Improving the Financial Support of Export Activity of Innovative Companies in Russia and Abroad


Olga Valeryevna Nikulina
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Professor, Department of World Economy and Management,
Kuban State University
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Stavropolskaya St., 149, 350040 Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Ekaterina Sergeevna Manuylova
Master Student, Department of World Economy and Management,
Kuban State University
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Stavropolskaya St., 149, 350040 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Abstract. In modern conditions the support of export activity is an important component of economic policy in foreign countries and Russia. Export activity of the innovative companies has special value for Russia. Consideration of financial support export activities of innovative companies gains particular relevance in the functioning of Russia in the WTO. The purpose of this study is the development and validation of practical advice on formation of an effective system of stimulating the export activities of innovative companies based on the use of financial instruments by adhering to the WTO principles and modalities. The authors used statistical analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the instruments and the comparison to identify weaknesses in the Russian financial instruments to support exports. In determining the main directions of improving, the study used the method of forecasting on the basis of the results of the analysis and comparison. The article described the main instruments of financial support of innovation activities in Russia. The authors carried out a comparative analysis of the system to stimulate export activities in Russia and abroad. The article developed and substantiated recommendations on the formation of an effective system of state support for export of innovative companies. Conclusions drew that the Russian system of financial support of export activities requires adjusting in accordance with the rules of the WTO and the OECD, the extension of existing instruments through the use of “green” subsidies and the creation of a unified export Agency.
Key words: financial instruments, innovative companies, support of export activity, foreign experience, efficiency of financial support.

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Directions of Improving the Financial Support of Export Activity of Innovative Companies in Russia and Abroad by Nikulina O.V., Manuylova E.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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