Perova T.V. Quality As a Means of Improving the Competitiveness of the Tourism Organization


Tatyana Valentinovna Perova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Innovative Technologies and Management,
Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after K. Minin (Minin University)
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Chelyuskintsev St., 9, 603004 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article considers the essence of quality of tourist services, which refers to the correspondence received by the client of tourist services to their needs and established norms and standards. The author selected structural elements of quality of tourist services such as: basic quality, which implies the required properties of tourist services; the expected quality, including technical and functional characteristics of tourism services, as claimed by the producers of tourism services; the desired quality, which consists in obtaining unintended benefits that are in the field of their dreams. The article identified the criteria of analysis of tourist services quality, which include consumer properties of tourism services that meet the needs of clients; faultless customer service of tourism organization, precise execution of stated works and services; creation of a favorable social and psychological climate in the process of tourism services rendering. With the aim of providing quality tourist services and ensuring the competitiveness of the tourism organization, some techniques have been proposed, confirming the high quality of tourism services in the process of negotiations with the client of the firm: a demonstration of future results; “the materialization of the service”; the emphasis on quality components of tourism services; external quality assessment by third parties; demonstration of internal control quality of service.
Key words: quality, service quality, quality of tourist services, competitiveness of tourism organization.

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Quality As a Means of Improving the Competitiveness of the Tourism Organization by Perova T.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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