Petrova E.A. Methodical Approaches to the Assessment of Personnel Adaptation System


Elena Aleksandrovna Petrova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Labour Economy and Personnel Management,
Baikal State University of Economics and Law
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Lenina St., 11, 664003 Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. The formation of system of adaptation of the personnel is a necessary link of personnel management. Unfortunately, importance of actions for career guidance and adaptation of workers is not seriously perceived by HR departments. Many state enterprises and commercial organizations still have no basic programs of adaptation. Introduction of a control system of adaptation in the enterprises represents rather complex challenge, but the solution of such important tasks for the enterprise depends on: the reduction of starting expenses, the reduction of staff turnover; perhaps faster achievement of the working indicators accepted for the organization – the employer. Adaptation process demands certain temporal and financial investments from the company. Therefore it is necessary to offer the mechanism of an assessment of efficiency of these expenses. It is revealed that now general indicators of assessment of efficiency of adaptation of only three types are used: professional, psychophysiological and social, and psychological. The conclusion is also drawn that, it is not enough for complex definition of results of this process: criteria by which it is possible to carry out a quantitative assessment, have to be “in a sheaf” with the purposes and problems of adaptation. On the example of the concrete organization, the technique of application of universal tool of an assessment of system effectiveness of adaptation of the personnel which can be used in any organization is offered and described.
Key words: adaptation, system of adaptation, efficiency of adaptation actions.

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Methodical Approaches to the Assessment of Personnel Adaptation System by Petrova E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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