Troshkov A.M., Bogdanova S.V., Ermakova A.N. Research on Diagnostics and Regulation of Temperature in the Hive Confined Space With the Use of Mobile Array Temperature Sensor


Troshkov Aleksandr Mikhaylovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems,
Stavropol State Agrarian University
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Zootekhnicheskiy Lane, 12, 355017 Stavropol, Russian Federation

Bogdanova Svetlana Viktorovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Systems,
Stavropol State Agrarian University
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Zootekhnicheskiy Lane, 12, 355017 Stavropol, Russian Federation
Ermakova Anna Nikolaevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems,
Stavropol State Agrarian University
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Zootekhnicheskiy Lane, 12, 355017 Stavropol, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article suggests the diagnostics of air circulation in the hive. The ventilation of enclosed space is achieved by the constant movement of the worker bees’ wings with variable intensity, and hence with a modified air flow. The main place of air flow is notches on which the bees are located, and their flapping wings intensify pressure air circulation. Thus, the air pressure allows creating ventilation in the hive. The possibilities of controlling the temperature in the enclosed space are investigated. The theoretical studies and the analysis of scientific papers, as well as confirmations by practicing beekeepers of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and Stavropol Territory have proved the correlation between the temperature regime of the hive confined space and the presence of carbon dioxide during winter. In the second half of winter, the correlation coefficient is reduced. This is due to the change in the physiological state of bee colonies, the appearance of larvae and, as a consequence, of oxygen consumption. Hence, there is need in hive ventilation and maintaining the stable temperature, especially in the areas of brood. The authors synthesized the sensor array device of temperature regulation. The use of this sensor improves the quality of sectoral diagnostics of the hive, and the evaluative zone allows to specify displacement estimation characteristics. The temperature control zone was determined. The possibility of temperature monitoring with the construction of the graphic measurements was realized.
Key words: bee family, diagnostic temperature control, temperature matrix sensor, evaluation zone.

Creative Commons License
Research on Diagnostics and Regulation of Temperature in the Hive Confined Space With the Use of Mobile Array Temperature Sensor by Troshkov A.M., Bogdanova S.V., Ermakova A.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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