Moskalenko I.V., Lyubimov V.B. Optimization of Functioning of the Klintsovsky State Nature Reserve of Regional Importance in the Bryansk Region


Moskalenko Igor Vladimirovich
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Ecology and Rational Nature Management,
Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky
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Bezhitskaya St., 14, 241036 Bryansk, Russian Federation
Lyubimov Valeriy Borisovich
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
Department of Ecology and Environmental Management,
Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky
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Bezhitskaya St., 14, 241036 Bryansk, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper provides information on the current status of specially protected natural territories of the Bryansk region – namely, the Klintsovsky state nature reserve of regional importance located on the territory of the Bryansk region. The authors touch upon the problems of global biodiversity and conservation of rare and endangered plant species. The species composition is specified, and the habitats of rare plant species are revealed. The purpose of the research is to develop policies and programs aimed at the conservation of biodiversity and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants growing in the region, including in the Klintsovsky reserve of the Bryansk region. The authors have developed the methods on preservation and restorations of rare and endangered plants species populations growing in the reserve. For successful implementation of a number of issues on environmental trends, the authors identified the feasibility of establishing an interregional introduction center. The task of introduction center for issues related to the identification and involvement of economically valuable species of plants, including rare and endangered species in the center. The article also deals with the organization of research on their biology and ecology, modeling optimal conditions for mass breeding and cultivation of planting material and the development of programs for the implementation of these species in natural habitats in order to restore the size and population density.
Key words: reserve, biodiversity, breeding, containers, irrigation, sowing checks, introduction.

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Optimization of Functioning of the Klintsovsky State Nature Reserve of Regional Importance in the Bryansk Region by Moskalenko I.V., Lyubimov V.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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