Vovchenko N.G., Epifanova T.V., Gurin O.Yu. Institutional and Organizational Structure of the Federal Procurement System of the United States

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.2.11

Vovchenko Natalya Gennadyevna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Finance,
Rostov State Economic University
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B. Sadovaya St., 69, 344002 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Epifanova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Doctor of Economic Sciences
Professor, Department of Civil Law,
Rostov State Economic University
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B. Sadovaya St., 69, 344002 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Gurin Oleg Yuryevich
Leading Specialist, Department of Contract Security Service,
Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Rostov Region
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Dolomanovskiy Lane, 31, 344013 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper deals with the role of the Federal procurement system of the United States as a regulatory tool of the U.S. economy. The scope of research is focused on organizational and institutional aspects of forming and developing the U.S. Federal procurement system. The main purpose of the paper is to study up-to-date mechanism of government acquisition in the United States and to consider all its structural elements taken in conjunction with each other, such as the President, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), the General Services Administration (GSA), other executive and regulatory agencies. The methodological background of the research is based on normative, system-wide, statistical and complex approaches to the study of structural elements of the U.S. Federal procurement system. The theoretical and practical material of the present research can be used in teaching and learning activities at economic faculties, for instance, in the course of lectures on government contacting and public procurement management. It also can be used in training and advanced training of specialists who draft public procurement regulations in the Russian Federation. The statutory regulation of the U.S. Federal procurement system constitutes an organizational framework of executive agencies, their functions and responsibilities, specifics of government control over contract performance, competition requirements and contracting methods. The paper considered interrelated components of the U.S. Federal procurement system, which operates in furtherance of efficient utilization of Federal budget.

Key words: state finance, government order, Federal procurement system, government contracting, financial regulation of economy.

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Institutional and Organizational Structure of the Federal Procurement System of the United States by Vovchenko N.G., Epifanova T.V., Gurin O.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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